Bonnie Lacy

From Worthless to Priceless

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By Bonnie Lacy


Katty writes in her journal—an unused journal from Gamma’s closet.

“Who am I?” She gulps and the answers flow from her pen.



“Abuser. Druggie. Addict. Murderer.”

Who is she without booze?

The babies gather. Angels and demons gather.

She and Bea are trapped, homeless, and forced to live with cousin, Noell. But when the courts demand she take Bea to see her dad, Phil, in prison with Deputy Mark escorting them, Katty has to confront the fear in herself.

She has to fight the evil—the evil with Phil and the evil lies Katty has believed her whole life—and learn who she really is.

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Bonnie Lacy

Join me on this journey of exploring life’s laboratory. 

Change Genres? Really?

Change Genres? Really?

I have a stack of books beside me and more on the shelves behind me. All different genres. About crafting. The writing process. The writing life. How to write from the shadow, the darkness. Genres. How to write romance. Too many more on that bookshelf, beside my bed,...

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It's in the Cash Envelope

Today, I paid the lawn service bill. It's $200.  How do people pay that much? The bill is due when you receive it, right? So how do you pay that, without not eating or selling your favorite fishing rod? Remember, if you have to sell that, you can't fish. And no...

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Creative Spending/Creative Saving

There are so many books about finance—personal and investing. I have a whole shelf in my personal library full of them and I have read most of them. They are good. I gain ideas. But wisdom comes from Above. That’s why I started using cash envelopes. I started on a day...

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I have more than 70 journals, stored in various places in my house. On a top shelf in a closet. On the floor in my office. Some have been read and gleaned and added to computer files. Easier to do a search there, rather than digging through each journal again! I found...

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What's a Servant's Heart Look LIke?

Small Town Skyline - Thoughts on Life - 2/11/2024 My husband and I, Dearly Beloved, just got back from a quick trip to Kansas to attend the funeral of his aunt. No extra time to play or tour, but major time with loved family. Emotions. Memories. Tears. Laughter. Many...

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Bonnie Lacy

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