Chiropractor Adjustments in Chapter Flow

I'm struggling with the WIP. Since adding a key chapter toward the end, everything has to have that chiropractor adjustment so it all flows together. And right now, things aren't flowing. I tried moving a chapter here to there, but freaked out: did I paste it to the...

Platforms are not for Sissies

I am baffled. If writing five novels isn't enough (plus around fifty short stories and articles and five children's books), a writer is told they need to build a platform. A what? Shoes? A stage? I'm struggling. I am told I shouldn't approach an agent or pitch a...

Kombucha, Kale Chips, and Editing

Kombucha. A few months ago, I didn't know what that was. My daughter started brewing her own, so I bought a bottle. Ick. Then I tasted her homemade brew. Ahhh! I begged for a scoby. Or mother. Or starter. I traded my gallon jars for one precious mother. Boom! I was...
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