Writing Articles

Journal Entry 2/19/2025

Affiliate links included in below article.  This was in a new book. I’m never sure if I like it. Even if the sketchbook (Affiliate link), journal, media book is exactly like the one I had been writing in, it never feels the same. It’s never … used. Never feels good....

Rescuing my book, Rescued

This isn’t fun to admit but for eight years now, I have struggled with book two, Rescued (Affiliate link to Amazon, or purchase here direct from me!) in my fiction series. From the very first edition after publication in 2016, the interior wasn’t right. There were a...

Struggling to know what to write …

I want to write. Today. Something. I am struggling to find my way after publishing Resurrected. I have a stack of books beside me: A Grief Observed by C. S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength by C. S. Lewis,  and The Ancient Book of Enoch … by Enoch … and Ken Johnson, Th.D...

Shopify Short Study

A couple of months ago, a reader texted me with a few pictures of her order. Yay! Hopefully another satisfied reader. Always happy to hear how their order went. She’d ordered books. She got black beads from Oriental Express. We laughed. Kinda. How does something like...

Rescuing my book, Rescued

This isn’t fun to admit but for eight years now, I have struggled with book two, Rescued (Affiliate link to Amazon, or...

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Shopify Short Study

A couple of months ago, a reader texted me with a few pictures of her order. Yay! Hopefully another satisfied reader....

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A New Plan

Finally. I have had these notes since August 6, 2024. There have honestly been other things to do. As an independent...

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This has been bugging me for some time—maybe months. How do I sell books, increase income to support the business and...

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Creative Rest

 I am exhausted. With over a week spent at my sister’s to help her rehab from hip replacement, to the very next day an...

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Being a Better Publisher

I finally uploaded Resurrected, the sixth book in The Great Escapee Series today! Everywhere! Yesterday I spent the...

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Change Genres? Really?

Change Genres? Really?

I have a stack of books beside me and more on the shelves behind me. All different genres. About crafting. The writing...

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I have more than 70 journals, stored in various places in my house. On a top shelf in a closet. On the floor in my...

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