Writing Articles

Discipline during COVID-19

I have read on Twitter or Instagram where other authors have had a tough time with lethargy and exhaustion. Reading the news too much, extra family around, worries, all play into a much different lifestyle than we are used to. For a couple days, I was okay. Even...

Journal Entry – Pandemic – 4/5/2020

Keep your heart brave! I'm up. I'm drinking coffee. My journal is on my lap. And I heard, "He's come to join our suffering." It's a line from a song on their 2019 album, "All Things New" by Flatirons Music. That line is from the song, "This Is Our God." It hit me!...

“Guts” is Grace Under Fire

COVID-19 is grace under fire. It's guts. From so many different platforms and lifestyles. My husband is a truck driver and is out driving amid the pandemic. He is kind of a germaphobe, thankfully, so he takes his antibacterial wipes in with him to check in. He wipes...

Manifesto for My Life

Manifesto for my life--i'm still working on this. It takes living life to figure out a manifesto! Wisdom Doodle 3/22/2020 Yeah. It's called Wisdom. "Does not skillful and godly Wisdom cry out, and understanding raise her voice [in contrast to the loose woman]? On the...


                                                         This is a peek at the book cover. I can't believe this is...

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Real Beginnings

Recently, I was asked to participate in an author panel at a local library. Me. I could get nervous if I let myself,...

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Scrivener Rocks!

I'm finishing (I hope!) edits on Released.      Checking the thread of pipes. (Ask my sister or read the book! It...

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Isn’t He Cute?

I know. This is weird. You know where I am, or rather, what department of Menard's I'm in. Posting about being in the...

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