Small Town Skyline - Thoughts on Life - 2/11/2024 My husband and I, Dearly Beloved, just got back from a quick trip to...
Writing Articles
there’s a reason
Yes, there is always a reason. A plan. Whether we believe or not, God has a plan. A direction. I follow a guy, a wood...
Inspirations for creatives
I'm not a prophet. Not by any long stretch. But a couple days ago, I woke to the cat purring right next to my ear. Not...
Book Blurb for Newest Trilogy
New trilogy. Katty’s trilogy. New book blurb. I don’t even have a book blurb for that series yet, but I need one. See...
Back Cover Blurb. Huh? I have written two blog posts about blurbs, trying each time to...
Book Blurb Two
Research I’ll reference the article on The Alliance of Independent Authors website. Still gaining insight there. I’m...
Book Blurbs–I’d Rather Write a Book
I’m digging into learning to write better book blurbs. Sounds fun, right? Book Blurb One I have book one, Released, on...
Smashwords Authors Offer Thousands of eBooks at Free or Deeply Discounted to Support Readers Affected by the Pandemic
Without our super distributors and aggregators to push out books, authors could not provide the deals offered....
Discipline during COVID-19
I have read on Twitter or Instagram where other authors have had a tough time with lethargy and exhaustion. Reading...
Journal Entry – Pandemic – 4/5/2020
Keep your heart brave! I'm up. I'm drinking coffee. My journal is on my lap. And I heard, "He's come to join our...
“Guts” is Grace Under Fire
COVID-19 is grace under fire. It's guts. From so many different platforms and lifestyles. My husband is a truck driver...
Manifesto for My Life
Manifesto for my life--i'm still working on this. It takes living life to figure out a manifesto! Wisdom Doodle...