I have read on Twitter or Instagram where other authors have had a tough time with lethargy and exhaustion. Reading the news too much, extra family around, worries, all play into a much different lifestyle than we are used to.

For a couple days, I was okay. Even though my husband is a truck driver and out in it, so to speak. We play the quarantine game when he gets back from a haul, which is hard on us both. Even though I am used to him being gone, it's interesting how much lonelier I am now.

So today, I came across this email that Kristine Kathryn Rusch sent, titled Freelancer’s Survival Guide: Discipline. I read her emails regularly and learn from her experience. With this post, I pulled out my big 9 x 12 sketchbook journal and dug in.

First of all, discipline. Defined as “training that corrects, molds or perfects the mental faculties or moral character. A field of study.” Also, “orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior.”

So, for me, training that molds my study and pattern of writing?


For me, this pandemic falls at a unique time in my writing career. I am in the middle of writing another trilogy–a follow-up to my first one–The Great Escapee Series. There is also my struggle to figure out ads to bring in much needed money. I am not giving up–I may not be the world's best writer, but I'm not giving up. It's just difficult to figure out how to sell books to people all across the world. Yes, ads, but I have tried with little success.

Which is depressing.

Yes, my husband is driving–bringing in living expenses–so I am blessed and won't starve! But at some point I'd like my author adventures to be self-sustaining. Self-supporting. I want to feel like I am contributing to our life, financially.

When I first read about people feeling tired and lethargic, I was still peppy, if not worried about the virus. I walked everyday, listening to Spanish lessons. Check. I wrote. Check. Word count on WIP. Check. Etc.

But the last few days, I am having a tough time. I want to sleep. Have wine with dinner, which isn't bad, except I want it with every meal! (Breakfast calls for a different wine, right?) Eat out (or run out to pick up food!) House needs cleaning, but I don't want to.

When I started reading Kris's Survival Guide, I pulled out my journal at the part, “I hate having someone tell me what to do … ” and started journaling and answering her questions!

I am also having publishing problems right now. They are like a vampire spirit–a user–coming back again and again! I get one problem solved and then there's another!

I won't quit. This writing gig has me drawn in–hook line and sinker. I have so many plans and ideas. Maybe the fact that I work at each problem–trying to solve it–gives me more discipline.

One of her questions: “What do I want to achieve?”

The top reason? I want to create a lasting income and get out of debt. There are other reasons. I want to leave a lasting legacy–something I can look back on and nod with satisfaction. Something solid I can leave my offspring. I want to make a difference in people's lives–my readers, my family–in their lives.

Because of the corona virus, I am having a hard time writing the next chapters in this trilogy. I'm caught up in the news trap. But if I don't use this time to get this trilogy and other things done, I will have wasted it. When I can play with my grandkids again, it will be doubly sweet, knowing I wrote the trilogy.

Another question from Kris's guide: “What gets in the way?” Me. I get in the way.

I have to change my thought patterns.

Old thoughts: I can do this tomorrow, or this will never go anywhere anyway, so why try?

New thoughts: This is my job. And God is my Boss. I never would have Not shown up at my last job if I was scheduled to work. Ever!

So. Here I am. I'm at work, writing this blog post. My next task?

Write the next scene … well, edit it actually. I am in the second pass through the first book in Katty's Trilogy.

“Write the next scene.”

Yes, Sir.

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