IMG_2570I know. This is weird. You know where I am, or rather, what department of Menard's I'm in.

Posting about being in the bathroom is creepy enough, but taking a picture in there is over the top!

But, I have to do it. I see little faces all over and I have to shoot the picture. Isn't he cute? See how his eyes twinkle … no wait … those are screws. But check out the dimple in his chi … a screw again.

This is even crazier … I see those faces most times after God has done something in my life, or when I have submitted to Him.

He rewards me. “Here my daughter. Here is My gift to you. You're such a good girl, so I'm giving you this.”

No strings attached. The visuals always make me smile. Always.

I have a whole file of these from various venus. Many in bathrooms!

Have you ever noticed that drains (in bathrooms), purse/coat hooks (in bathrooms), faucets (yeah, in bathrooms) often look like faces? Do you notice. Do you take the time to capture it, whether by really looking, or by taking a picture? Do you take the time to see?


It is probably the weirdest thing I do, other than write weird stories.

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