Journal Entry – Pandemic – 4/5/2020

by | Apr 5, 2020 | Faith, Journal, Writing | 0 comments

paper bag quote
Keep your heart brave!

I'm up. I'm drinking coffee. My journal is on my lap.

And I heard, “He's come to join our suffering.”

It's a line from a song on their 2019 album, “All Things New” by Flatirons Music. That line is from the song, “This Is Our God.”

It hit me! Jesus, You know what this pandemic is. You know all things! (John 16:30). You know what we are going through. You've been through it … You know! You've experienced abuse at the hands of religion. You've heard the voices, the hate, directed at You.

With the pandemic, people are scared. People are hurting. They are sick. People have died.

It all feels out of control–not in OUR control.

Is that what You felt like, Jesus?

Is this the way it was back then?

All directed at You and Your followers?

People–maybe even your followers–thought, “This is the end. All is lost.”

But there was a bigger picture.

A bigger plan.

And I firmly believe that for now. That God has a bigger plan.

Just wait and see.

People died back then in Jesus' day–his followers died.

People are dying now.

It hurt then.

It hurts now.

There was fear then.

There is fear now.

It's hard to check those numbers infected with COVID-19. The number of deaths has hit 331,234 in the USA, as of today.

But I believe in my deepest parts that God has a plan for good. He is faithful. He is good.

And what the enemy has planned for evil, God will use it for good.

He has not left us!

God's got this!


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