As I reflect on where Dearly Beloved and I started our journey with the Cash Envelopes, I am very grateful for where we are now.
I learned about Cash Envelopes from several places, authors, and books. But maybe fifteen years ago, a bill came in the mail and I freaked out!
It was for vehicle registration and taxes. (We have a few cars, believe me!) I could never anticipate when that bill was due and it was a hefty one.
Where are we gonna get the money for that?
I finally realized that we needed a plan. I am not a mathemetician, but I divided the amount of the bill for the year by fifty-two weeks. (We get paid weekly.)
That was the beginning. I needed an envelope (Any old envelope will do–what about the ones that credit card applications send along with their hype? I find a wicked kind of joy using those for keeping out of debt, instead of applying for their debt bombs with them!).
I then figured out for that bill, how many twentites, tens, fives, and ones that I needed from our paycheck every week to stuff into that envelope. By the time the year passed and that bill came due again, I had the money saved up!
But what, you might ask, does that have to do with an author account?
Since setting up our personal cash envelopes (and writing the book, Cash Envelopes: You've Never Had So Much Money), I have realized that this system can be applied for my author business, or for kids–teaching them about finance. Maybe church finance as well.
Cash Envelopes: You've Never Had So Much Money
I'm just beginning to figure out my author business. Most of my bills are online and my income isn't a firm weekly or monthly amount. It varies.
But I am going to figure that out!
Here. Now.
I am not a financial advisor. But I figured out our personal finances and it's working brilliantly.
Ask my Dearly Beloved!