I'm finding my way in this writing gig.

When I first did NaNoWriMo three years ago, I wrote for hours without a break.


The first day I wrote 6,000 words was a horrible day. I felt like I had been chopped up in little pieces and pasted back together all WRONG. Yeah. Pain.

The second year was the same thing. Wrote without breaks, for too many hours.

But 2013 was my turning point.

I challenged myself to write for one hour, then break.

During the break, I cleaned the toilet (!) or went for a walk. Did laundry. Played with the cat (surprised her!). I even kept a list of optional things to do on my break. No. No nap!

I completed 6,000 words or more on many days, but never felt all chopped up. I was tired, but who isn't after a day at work?

Now I'm into a heavy edit of a full manuscript. One I wrote in NaNo in 2012.

I'm learning so much. I see many mistakes. Feels good to clean things up but it's harder than I thought it'd be. And takes longer. I don't think it's because the writing is horrible, but I am taking the edit deeper. Writing better point of view (POV). Writing better description. Better dialog.

Break: I just got back from a walk in the snow. I bundled up in my Goodwill snow pants, insulated stocking hat/gloves, hiking boots. I scattered the snow as I kicked my way through, like I do in the fall with fallen leaves.

Break: and now I am writing this blog.

Back to the edit.

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