I don't do New Year resolutions, but I love getting my journal out and rehashing where I'm at with God, life, writing, relationships, art, etc. January 3rd was a good entry for that, knowing that this year, 2015, I will e-publish several books and short stories.

I have been writing for ten years or more. Journaling for more years than I can remember. How many short stories and books can a person have lying around on their hard drive without getting them out there? Not that all are publish-ready, but many are.

I can hear your thoughts right now. “Are ya scared?”

Yup! Shakin'-in-ma-boots-scared!

Those stories are my babies and what if you don't like them? What if you make fun of them? What if … you don't read them once I get the guts to publish them?

Well, Reader Person, Sir/Ma'am, I am going to publish. This year.

I don't know what that looks like. I don't even know how to do it. Yet.


I am going to do it.

It's time to step up to the plate … or get my feet wet. Orrrr … git off the pot! (Some strange cowboy influence today).

I'm inspired, excited and ready for the challenge! Stickin' ma neck out.

Hold me accountable.

Or we can hold each other accountable.

A challenge for you. Have you gotten back in the saddle after quitting? After falling? After … failing? Please leave a comment below. I'd love to hear your stories!

© 2015, Bonnie Lacy

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