Perspective – Things forgotten, things remembered

by | May 31, 2021 | Faith, Perspective, Writing | 0 comments

Perspective – it's a choice to forget or remember, right?

I’m still contemplating perspective. See the beginning entry on perspective.

It’s interesting. I hear the word, “perspective” everywhere.” At church in the message. On a podcast. In conversation.

I’m supposed to dig into this word. Either that—or it’s calling to me. 

Some people say the universe is calling.

I say it’s God drawing me to Him and where I need to be with Him. Teaching me.

A couple weeks ago, I drove to church and afterwards, I shopped at a local nursery that set up their rows and rows of plants in a vacant parking lot next to HyVee, a local grocery store. 

The day was beginning to heat up and I had run into the store for some items—refrigerated items, of course! Shoulda bought the plants first. Right. So I kept the car running on air conditioning, but left the drivers window cracked an inch or so.

I found the plants I needed and got back to the car to find a note on my car seat.

It was a large napkin to be exact.

Someone had written me a note and stuffed it in my car through the cracked, open window. 

The note said, “Hi Bonnie. How are you? Guess who!!!”

That’s it.


No name.

I immediately looked around at the surrounding cars, expecting a familiar face grinning back at me.

No face.


Come on! 

I hate that.

Identify yourself!


That was a couple weeks ago and I still have the napkin!

It haunts me.

Maybe that was the author’s intention. To haunt me!

But here is the perspective.

The writer of that note has most likely forgotten all about writing it. Gone on with life. Never a thought or a backward glance.

That’s their perspective. 

But me.


I still have the napkin.

I have read it many times, wondering. Does the handwriting look familiar? Who did I see in HyVee? Did I know anyone buying plants? Who have I seen since then, that has a funny look on their face. 

You know the look.

The Gotcha look!

Who was it. 

Yeah. That’s my perspective. 


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