Today. Rage Rising: My Walk Through the Dark Tunnel of Anger is ready for readers, so these are my publishing rewards.

My editor has been through it and I revised according to her recommendations. I have been through the manuscript 6 times myself.

So it is getting close.

Just needs the reader's touch from my sister and a friend to let me know if there are places that stop them or confuse them.

Publishing Rewards

Vintage Jewelry by Bonnie

In that case, I have started a list of rewards for when Rage Rising gets published:  Go to Seward, NE: Chapters Books & Gifts, JD's Coffee Shop, and a thrift shop or two.  Make new jewelry. Over the past year and a half–between moving twice and living in our camper for two months, I have lost some of my favorite earrings–ones my daughter and  I made. And I love my vintage, funky earrings!

Vintage Jewelry

Vintage jewelry by Bonnie











And last: finish my Cash Envelopes book! You didn't think I'd completely flake, did you?

Day 8 – I fell yesterday. Edited all day and partied last night! Didn't post!






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