Struggling to know what to write …

by | Mar 13, 2025 | Faith, Journal, Writing | 0 comments

I want to write.



I am struggling to find my way after publishing Resurrected.

I have a stack of books beside me: A Grief Observed by C. S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength by C. S. Lewis,  and The Ancient Book of Enoch … by Enoch … and Ken Johnson, Th.D (All Affiliate links.).

Of course I have my journal beside me. The words there are of my heart, my soul, and hopefully from the Lord.

Now what?

I need to be writing the screenplay of Released, Book One, in The Great Escapee Series. But.

Oh, there’s white legal pad from Office Depot. Blank.

Nite notes from three nights ago.

Okay. I’ll write them here. Maybe.

Lord, I seek Ye first of all, the Kingdom of God (that’s You) and Your Righteousness, and all of these things (words, ideas, coffee, peace, power, comfort, and on and on and on) shall be added unto me, besides.

“This is a book.”

I heard that.

I submit that thought to You because maybe it’s not what You want or maybe not what You said, Lord.

“This is a book.”

“Finding my Way.”

Okay, I may have the title.

And just now a thought deep in my gut was, “this is connected to the Creative Living book.”


You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except by and through You.

“There is time for the screenplay. This is from My heart.”

From my journal this morning. “I woke hearing “His Name is the highest, His name … “ But the song is actually “Your Name … “ Was I hearing the angels actually singing? The next line is, “And the angels cry, holy.”

I don’t know and I’ll write the music publishers for permissions but that’s what I woke hearing.

Then a friend (you know who you are!) sent a song in a text – “Made for More” with Josh Baldwin. And she wrote some very precious words to me that I embrace and receive to my heart, my life, my calling, and my day.

This caused me to pause and think – I’m focusing too much on past hurts and any record I have kept in my heart of wrongs done to me. Lay it all down. Lay down the wrongs. I’m focusing too much on aches and pains.

I’m made for more than those mosquito bites!

Those things are not who I am!

In my mind I was thinking about what I’d tell a young grandkid. I’d tell them all to embrace everything: every class, teacher, friend, family member, book. Learn all they can about where God has them at that moment in time.

Then stand back and grow and watch God put it all together into a life worth living. Into a calling that only He can orchestrate. Into a wonderful career but a quest to live a satisfying and productive life. A life to build around marrying God’s best choice and creating a nurturing environment to raise a family of kids that are … just like that young grandkid.

And in the imagined conversation with that grandkid, I realize that I am talking to me.

From God to me.


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