by Bonnie Lacy | Apr 30, 2015 | Faith, Writing
I'm finishing (I hope!) edits on Released. Checking the thread of pipes. (Ask my sister or read the book! It comes out soon!) Changing chapter numbers. I inserted chapter fourteen in between thirty-four and thirty-five. (Or I think it was there.) Then I had to go...
by Bonnie Lacy | Jan 19, 2015 | Faith, Writing
Recently, I was asked to participate in an author panel at a local library. Me. I could get nervous if I let myself, but what really hits me is: I am an author if I have been invited to be on an author panel! Since that call, I have been thinking about what I will...
by Bonnie Lacy | Apr 16, 2014 | Faith, Writing
I'm struggling with the WIP. Since adding a key chapter toward the end, everything has to have that chiropractor adjustment so it all flows together. And right now, things aren't flowing. I tried moving a chapter here to there, but freaked out: did I paste it to the...