Post everyday?


So, I listened to one of Seth Godin‘s podcasts, (You know, the book cover where the guy's head is tipped open and the word “Ideavirus” is sticking out. Unleashing the Ideavirus.). His podcast is called Akimbo. I think the episode was the most recent one–the Q&A.

People sent in many good questions and Mr. Godin answered very thoughtfully. But the one thing that popped for me was … post on your blog everyday.


Really. I don't even post every week–or even every month.

So it's 10:04 pm and I just remembered.

I am not a night-owl! I want to go to bed!


If I don't start now, I will put it off until … next month, next year.

Honestly, I don't know where this month will lead. I don't even know what I will write about.

My life? Doctor appointments? Writing? Grandkids? My cat? Hey, I baked cookies?


I commit to writing here everyday.

No matter what.

Day 1


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