I just bought a new printer. I looked at several and spent hours reviewing comments and recommendations.

There were certain features I had to have on it: wireless printing, printing from my iPad, phone and computer.

This one even prints from the Cloud. Cool.

I settled on a Canon PIXMA MX922. I really like it so far — easy to set up, easy to print the day-to-day stuff. Prints both sides so it saves paper, too.

All that aside, wireless stuff is so convenient to the point of being lazy!

I have a story brewing about the wireless world. The unseen realm. That is my favorite flavor of story. It'll flow soon — I just have to let it simmer awhile longer.

What started this whole post was a journal entry from back in April. As I scribbled (my notebooks are filled — all will need a translator at some point to decipher my coded scribbles!) I was thinking about how things work. When I hit print, for instance, how does the printer start? What is the wave or signal that triggers it to print?

I'm not a physicist, obviously. I just expect things to work! When I hit print, it better print. When I check the status of an internet order, I want all those towers to talk to each other.

That's it. Communication. The back and forth stuff. I ask. The computer gets me the info, the response I am looking for.

Then it hits me as I'm scribbling in my journal.

The biggest wireless miracle?


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