by Bonnie Lacy | Jan 19, 2015 | Faith, Writing
Recently, I was asked to participate in an author panel at a local library. Me. I could get nervous if I let myself, but what really hits me is: I am an author if I have been invited to be on an author panel! Since that call, I have been thinking about what I will...
by Bonnie Lacy | Jan 12, 2015 | Faith, Writing
My editor recommended setting up a timeline for the current fiction I'm editing. The story line was really messed up. I had the scene where Mr. Main Character shot the guy before the scene where he chose the gun! (Maybe not that bad but just about!) So I made this...
by Bonnie Lacy | Jan 5, 2015 | Faith, Writing
I don't do New Year resolutions, but I love getting my journal out and rehashing where I'm at with God, life, writing, relationships, art, etc. January 3rd was a good entry for that, knowing that this year, 2015, I will e-publish several books and short stories. I...