Perspective – it's a choice to forget or remember, right? I’m still contemplating perspective. See the beginning entry on perspective. It’s interesting. I hear the word, “perspective” everywhere.” At church in the message. On a podcast. In conversation. I’m...
A couple years ago, my husband and I were camping with our dog, Paxton. We have a camper we pull with our pickup and we were at the campsite, all set up. Ready to enjoy a walk. As per most campground rules, we hooked the dog on a leash, walked throughout the park,...
Have you ever gotten frustrated with a task that needs to be maintained, but you don't know how to do it, so you … don't? This website is that! So I put it off. And off. Until I couldn't live with myself any longer! It's not perfect. But better. I now have a...
I woke up at 2 a.m.–the usual reason–bathroom. My body is aching because of all the yard work I did yesterday. I cleared the tubs/planters of the tomato plants and otherwise dead things. Gathered in the ripe tomatoes and cucumbers–there weren't many....
New trilogy. Katty’s trilogy. New book blurb. I don’t even have a book blurb for that series yet, but I need one. See my blurb studies for previous books here. My theme for all my writing is hope—whether it’s fiction or nonfiction. J.D. Barker – on The Creative...
Back Cover Blurb. Huh? I have written two blog posts about blurbs, trying each time to learn, but to apply what I learn to my own back cover blurbs. So here I am again. For book three in my The Great Escapee Series. ...
Research I’ll reference the article on The Alliance of Independent Authors website. Still gaining insight there. I’m also a member, so I want to give them credit. Super good information here: I also highly recommend...
I’m digging into learning to write better book blurbs. Sounds fun, right? Book Blurb One I have book one, Released, on a Smashwords promo for free until May 31 and am always hoping to sell through the three book series. But here’s the thing: my current...
Without our super distributors and aggregators to push out books, authors could not provide the deals offered. Discount levels include 30%-off, 60% off, and FREE! If you haven't read the first book in my The Great Escapee Series, Released, now is the time. Find it...