Prospective – I’ve Got Your back

Prospective – I’ve Got Your back

A couple years ago, my husband and I were camping with our dog, Paxton. We have a camper we pull with our pickup and we were at the campsite, all set up. Ready to enjoy a walk.  As per most campground rules, we hooked the dog on a leash, walked throughout the park,...

Website Repaired–Finally

Have you ever gotten frustrated with a task that needs to be maintained, but you don't know how to do it, so you … don't? This website is that! So I put it off. And off. Until I couldn't live with myself any longer! It's not perfect. But better. I now have a...

Book Blurb for Newest Trilogy

New trilogy. Katty’s trilogy. New book blurb. I don’t even have a book blurb for that series yet, but I need one. See my blurb studies for previous books here. My theme for all my writing is hope—whether it’s fiction or nonfiction. J.D. Barker – on The Creative...

    Back Cover Blurb. Huh?     I have written two blog posts about blurbs, trying each time to learn, but to apply what I learn to my own back cover blurbs.   So here I am again. For book three in my The Great Escapee Series.    ...

Book Blurb Two

Research I’ll reference the article on The Alliance of Independent Authors website. Still gaining insight there. I’m also a member, so I want to give them credit. Super good information here: I also highly recommend...

Book Blurbs–I’d Rather Write a Book

I’m digging into learning to write better book blurbs. Sounds fun, right? Book Blurb One I have book one, Released, on a Smashwords promo for free until May 31 and am always hoping to sell through the three book series. But here’s the thing: my current...
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