Journal Articles

Struggling to know what to write …

I want to write. Today. Something. I am struggling to find my way after publishing Resurrected. I have a stack of books beside me: A Grief Observed by C. S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength by C. S. Lewis,  and The Ancient Book of Enoch … by Enoch … and Ken Johnson, Th.D...

Discipline during COVID-19

I have read on Twitter or Instagram where other authors have had a tough time with lethargy and exhaustion. Reading the news too much, extra family around, worries, all play into a much different lifestyle than we are used to. For a couple days, I was okay. Even...

Journal Entry – Pandemic – 4/5/2020

Keep your heart brave! I'm up. I'm drinking coffee. My journal is on my lap. And I heard, "He's come to join our suffering." It's a line from a song on their 2019 album, "All Things New" by Flatirons Music. That line is from the song, "This Is Our God." It hit me!...

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