Writing Articles

Angels and Demons

Writing from the point of view of angels and demons--how do I even know what they might be thinking or seeing? Writing about angels might not be too far off, but demons? Does your brain think evil?  I may be ornery but evil? We have examples of both in the Bible and I...

Approaching Libraries

Just finished with taxes last week and the sales results of my author year are disappointing. Yes, there are the usual excuses: people are still reeling from sickness, job loss, painful stories in the news. But, in my case, I'm not crazy about spending the money to...

Short on Cash? Use Cash Envelopes!

I just finished preparing our taxes for the dreaded tax appointment, here in the US.  This year it was easier--just because I dropped some cash into Xero accounting software for my publishing business. Took time to learn, but very much worth it when it came to filling...

How to fix old Projects in Scrivener

Yes. I'm trying to blog again. But I could not access my Scrivener Project titled Blog Posts. I love Scrivener (This is my affliate link, by the way! I earn a certain percentage, at no extra cost to you.). I write the posts in Scrivener, then copy and paste into my...
Amazon is on a roll

Amazon is on a roll

A couple months ago, I was reading something (you know how that is—whatever that was) and the article recommended...

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Thoughts on a Kickstarter

Just to be legal, there are no affiliate links in this post! I have been following several Kickstarter campaigns this...

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COVID-19 Update

I know. Just another "thank you for being a valued customer. We want to reassure you that the health and safety of our...

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Planned Neglect

In this age of podcasts, books, and talks about productivity and efficient output, the title, "planned neglect" seems...

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SPF 101 is Open!

Hi all! This is Bonnie.I am going the lazy route in this post because Mark Dawson says it better than I could! This is...

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Fill The Well

We're building a new website. Please have patience. I finally got smart ... and asked a friend to design it. He has...

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One Thing At A Time

I listen to podcasts about writing and publishing. Like Mark Dawson's The Self-Publishing Show.  And get stressed. I...

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