Balancing Writing and LIfe

Metallic Time

I have a hard time balancing writing and life.

Because I missed posting yesterday. (You maybe don't know, but I have committed to posting everyday in June. Read about it here). My daughter texted that she and her four kids were going to town, since it was cooler outside. So I went with and had a great time.

When I got home, it was still fairly cool out, so I scattered bark mulch on our front yard flowerbed.

Maybe I'm should post every other day.

Or maybe I need to figure out a better schedule, rather than by the seat of my pants!

It's not that bad, and I will get used to blogging everyday. I will write a post in the morning. Then it's done and I won't freak out as I'm about to fall asleep, when I remember I didn't do it!

As a freelancer and independent author, I work from my home, and if I don't get writing done, it is my fault, not my husband's, or family or friends.

It's entirely up to me to push aside everything else and write.

But what if a friend calls to chat or wants to meet for lunch? Or like yesterday, my daughter texted. What if someone needs to talk about what life has thrown at them, like my sister?

I chatted with a friend yesterday. She said the same thing. She is content to stay at home. Me too. I hugged my house when I got home. It's beautiful and I miss being here when I'm gone.

Also, I am an introvert and would rather be home. I find when I have been to a writers conference, church, or just around lots of people, I need a day to decompress and listen to the quiet.

I think I need to add another strategy to a previous post.

Plan D: When I am home and Dearly Beloved is not, work/write/market/blog. Work like a                    time goon is chasing me, but also like I am living according to God's Rich                                Time. In other words, git ‘er done!






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