wire flower. sagging goals.

Photo by Victoria Wendish on Unsplash

 Goals? Lists? Resolutions?

 I'm behind. Are you? I've already skipped a day. Or two. Or a few weeks.

 What happened to writing/posting everyday?

 Why am I starting this now? Why would I think I could be faithful in posting everyday?

 Living spontaneously. Sporadically! Living on the edge. Being crazy enough to challenge   myself to do the stuff. To do the goals, the lists.

 And writing everyday is just that … tough. It's the WHAT? of February and even with an extra day in the month, I'm still behind! 

I'm determined, though, to blog and do it meaningfully. 

Are you hard on yourself when you think you failed?

Me too.

I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions. But I do believe in goals. And I have plenty of goals. But how do I know if I've attained them? I posted my list for the rest of 2018 here. I know. They are from 2018! Time flies! Right?

Let's see how I did.

  1. Publish Rage Rising
  2. Keep after that pesky website! ✅HIred it done last week!
  3. uTube video channel Uh. Not!
  4. Short Story Anthology I have stories loaded in Scrivener as we … speak! Not red OR green check.
  5. Publish nonfiction Cash Envelope book ✅
  6. Publish Book 3 ✅Restored.
  7. Rough draft for Book 4 ✅(I'm on the second draft!)
  8. Romance Novellas! Eeek! Not yet!
  9. Knock-off Novellas for The Great Escapee Series Started. See #7.
  10. Screenwriting :o) Not. :o(
  11. Reformat Rescued

Not bad–a year and a half later! And this is more for me than you.

Over half done.

So this year:     

  1.  Short story anthology–maybe even two. I have that many short stories.
  2.  Katty Trilogy
  3.  Hope Rising–a follow-up to Rage Rising.
  4. Publish hardbacks and large print of each book
  5.  Audio. Sigh. Start with the short stories. Then … and … and
  6.  Dig through the most recent journals, gleaning notes for books
  7.  Explore creating Cash Envelopes or Accounts for Authors

Gonna publish this for myself. Good to be accountable to me!

Blessed …

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