Faith Articles

Struggling to know what to write …

I want to write. Today. Something. I am struggling to find my way after publishing Resurrected. I have a stack of books beside me: A Grief Observed by C. S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength by C. S. Lewis,  and The Ancient Book of Enoch … by Enoch … and Ken Johnson, Th.D...

Perspective – “Just a little”

Perspective - "Just a Little" So, what is the barista’s perspective of ‘just a little’ and what is mine? “Do you want any whipped cream on that?” Me - “Just a little.” I love coffee drinks!  They are somewhat of a comfort drink for me. I don’t drink one every day...

Weather Outlook–is it sunny or is it cloudy?

” … how we see things is tied to the condition of our heart … “

Perspective – Things forgotten, things remembered

Perspective - it's a choice to forget or remember, right? I’m still contemplating perspective. See the beginning entry on perspective. It’s interesting. I hear the word, “perspective” everywhere.” At church in the message. On a podcast. In conversation. I’m supposed...

Manifesto for My Life

Manifesto for my life--i'm still working on this. It takes living life to figure out a manifesto! Wisdom Doodle...

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COVID-19 Update

I know. Just another "thank you for being a valued customer. We want to reassure you that the health and safety of our...

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How I Met My Editor

Funny. I wrote the title, "How I Met My Editor," and kept thinking ... what does that remind me of? You just thought...

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Back to Prison

A couple days ago, I posted that I am living back in the dark tunnel of anger. Yeah, back to prison. I hate admitting...

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