Perspective - "Just a Little" So, what is the barista’s perspective of ‘just a little’ and what is mine? “Do you want...
Faith Articles
Weather Outlook–is it sunny or is it cloudy?
Perspective. Again! Is it sunny or is it cloudy? I was talking to someone recently about perspective. (Are you...
Perspective – Things forgotten, things remembered
Perspective - it's a choice to forget or remember, right? I’m still contemplating perspective. See the beginning entry...
Prospective – I’ve Got Your back
A couple years ago, my husband and I were camping with our dog, Paxton. We have a camper we pull with our pickup and...
Discipline during COVID-19
I have read on Twitter or Instagram where other authors have had a tough time with lethargy and exhaustion. Reading...
Journal Entry – Pandemic – 4/5/2020
Keep your heart brave! I'm up. I'm drinking coffee. My journal is on my lap. And I heard, "He's come to join our...
“Guts” is Grace Under Fire
COVID-19 is grace under fire. It's guts. From so many different platforms and lifestyles. My husband is a truck driver...
Manifesto for My Life
Manifesto for my life--i'm still working on this. It takes living life to figure out a manifesto! Wisdom Doodle...
COVID-19 Update
I know. Just another "thank you for being a valued customer. We want to reassure you that the health and safety of our...
Days at the Nebraska State Fair
Three days at the Nebraska State Fair. Three days later. I'm still tired. I feel a bit wimpy when two women from The...
How I Met My Editor
Funny. I wrote the title, "How I Met My Editor," and kept thinking ... what does that remind me of? You just thought...
Back to Prison
A couple days ago, I posted that I am living back in the dark tunnel of anger. Yeah, back to prison. I hate admitting...