by Bonnie Lacy | Jun 29, 2018 | Writing
Rage Rising cover reveal! I teased you in a prior post, but here it is! This will be short, but sweet! I am in the last rounds of edits and revisions. Just waiting for a couple readers to get back to me. But this cover. By JD Smith – Design from the UK. I met...
by Bonnie Lacy | Jun 26, 2018 | Faith, Writing
Halfway through the year. Wow. It's almost the 4th of July! I wrote a post last February about the year 2017 and plans for 2018. I did it on purpose to hold myself accountable. It would even be good if you held me accountable! “Where's the book you promised? I...
by Bonnie Lacy | Jun 20, 2018 | Anger Management, Writing
Define Rage Rising. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines rage: “1 a : violent and uncontrolled anger, b : a fit of violent wrath, c : archaic : insanity. Also, The Synonym Finder by J.I. Rodale is awful! Just a sample: fury, frenzy, madness, hysterics, tantrum,...
by Bonnie Lacy | Jun 18, 2018 | Faith, Writing
What do I write on a blog post that's worth sharing? I have already failed several times in posting everyday–today and back then. I finally came to realize that if I could get a habit going and post say … twice a week, or even once a week, that would be...
by Bonnie Lacy | Jun 9, 2018 | Anger Management, Faith, Writing
Today. Rage Rising: My Walk Through the Dark Tunnel of Anger is ready for readers, so these are my publishing rewards. My editor has been through it and I revised according to her recommendations. I have been through the manuscript 6 times myself. So it is getting...
by Bonnie Lacy | Jun 7, 2018 | Faith, Writing
Habits take what, twenty-one days to be hard-wired in? I keep thinking that must be the reason I am trying to blog everyday. It might take me … three sets of twenty-one days to make a connection. But with each blog post, I click on the readability tab and try to...
by Bonnie Lacy | Jun 5, 2018 | Writing
I have a hard time balancing writing and life. Because I missed posting yesterday. (You maybe don't know, but I have committed to posting everyday in June. Read about it here). My daughter texted that she and her four kids were going to town, since it was cooler...
by Bonnie Lacy | Jun 4, 2018 | Faith, Writing
I already messed up! I knew when I challenged myself, that posting everyday wouldn't be easy, but I had hoped I'd make it at least a week! The second day! I already forgot! I could quit … But, no. I will persist. Everyday. If there is anyone reading along, I...
by Bonnie Lacy | Jun 2, 2018 | Faith, Writing
Post everyday? Wha? So, I listened to one of Seth Godin's podcasts, (You know, the book cover where the guy's head is tipped open and the word “Ideavirus” is sticking out. Unleashing the Ideavirus.). His podcast is called Akimbo. I think the episode was...