Writing Articles

    Back Cover Blurb. Huh?     I have written two blog posts about blurbs, trying each time to learn, but to apply what I learn to my own back cover blurbs.   So here I am again. For book three in my The Great Escapee Series.    ...

Book Blurb Two

Research I’ll reference the article on The Alliance of Independent Authors website. Still gaining insight there. I’m also a member, so I want to give them credit. Super good information here: https://selfpublishingadvice.org/book-blurbs/ I also highly recommend...

Book Blurbs–I’d Rather Write a Book

I’m digging into learning to write better book blurbs. Sounds fun, right? Book Blurb One I have book one, Released, on a Smashwords promo for free until May 31 and am always hoping to sell through the three book series. But here’s the thing: my current...

Smashwords Authors Offer Thousands of eBooks at Free or Deeply Discounted to Support Readers Affected by the Pandemic

Without our super distributors and aggregators to push out books, authors could not provide the deals offered. Discount levels include 30%-off, 60% off, and FREE! If you haven't read the first book in my The Great Escapee Series, Released, now is the time. Find it...

Where Do I Go From Here?

Yeah, it's February already, but I am still posting this because I want to be more public with my thoughts and goals...

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Rage Rising

I can feel it brewing. It feels like a fist in my gut--twisting and turning--until it needs to explode. And somehow...

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Thanks Tosca!

Ask and you shall receive! But it took me two weeks to drum up the nerve to ask her. I'm so glad I did. I tried to...

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I Didn’t Quit!

I love 'I didn't quit' stories. As my son, Jeremy says, "Keep on pushing." When you have a gift, you have to do it....

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