"I ought to sue you! I can, you know!" Clarence Timmelsen screamed at the warden. He stiffened and shuddered. Tears of...
Writing Articles
Thoughts On 2022
Perspective – “Just a little”
Perspective - "Just a Little" So, what is the barista’s perspective of ‘just a little’ and what is mine? “Do you want...
Blog Post Worth Sharing
What do I write on a blog post that's worth sharing? I have already failed several times in posting everyday--today...
Rewards or Self-Bribes
Today. Rage Rising: My Walk Through the Dark Tunnel of Anger is ready for readers, so these are my publishing rewards....
Day 6 – Habits Are Habit forming
Habits take what, twenty-one days to be hard-wired in? I keep thinking that must be the reason I am trying to blog...
Day 5 – Balancing Writing and Life
I have a hard time balancing writing and life. Because I missed posting yesterday. (You maybe don't know, but I have...
Day 3 – I Already Messed Up!
I already messed up! I knew when I challenged myself, that posting everyday wouldn't be easy, but I had hoped I'd make...
What If I Don’t Post Everyday?
Post everyday? Wha? So, I listened to one of Seth Godin's podcasts, (You know, the book cover where the guy's head is...
3 Plans for When Life Priorities Land On My Writing Priorities
I must have a sign on my back that says "Sucker." "Nurse." "I'll Help!" Do I go with life priorities or career...
Do You Do, Do You Watch, or Do You Wonder?
There are days when I just want to limp along. I just want to sit and stare. Sip my coffee or tea and watch. There are...
Update on Rage Rising Emails
Fear Breeds Procrastination I started posting under Rage Rising - My Walk Through the Dark Tunnel of Anger several...